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AppLiger Apps: Cloud Security Policy


This document covers security aspects of Easy Templates for Jira Issue application created by AppLiger sp. z o.o. for Atlassian Jira Cloud.

It is important to understand that Atlassian Cloud apps are separate web services that are hosted by their vendors. This is a consequence of Atlassian Cloud products architecture. It means that the service and its data are maintained by the vendors.

Read the Privacy Policy to understand what data is transferred and stored on our servers.

To integrate our apps with Atlassian Cloud products we use the Atlassian Connect framework which is created and maintained by Atlassian. This provides an additional layer of security and separates our apps from sensitive data stored on the Atlassian side (such as passwords and payment details).

The security of your Personal Information is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security

Data storage

We host all data provided by customers on Postgres DB (US West Region). Our apps (running services) use the AWS infrastructure.


Data backups are created on a daily basis and are available for seven subsequent days.

Data protection

We encrypt all network transmissions using Transport Layer Security (TSL) technology. Additionally, we encrypt all stored data at REST to ensure that your information is protected, even when not in transit. We safeguard our services against web attacks such as SQL injections, XSS or XSRF.

We regularly back up your data to help prevent data loss and aid in data recovery.

We perform regular peer code reviews and security audits to minimize security risks. We host data in secure, audited data centers provided by Postgres and AWS, located in the US.

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