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Manage Templates

Here you will learn how to Manage Jira Issue Templates in Easy Templates for Jira app

See also

Jira Cloud Instructions

This option is available for users with the System or Project Administrator role only

For System Admins

To manage saved Templates. Follow the steps:

  • Go to your Jira Cloud instance

  • On the top menu: Apps →  Manage your Apps → find “Easy Templates for Jira” section on the left side bar ➔ Manage Templates

  • or type on your keyboard "gg" and call "quick access popup"
    when you can type "Manage Templates"

  • When navigated - a list of available templates will be shown

  • You can Edit, Delete, and Sort templates

  • Use “…” 3 dot menu for additional actions

  • Click on the template name to enable/disable fields, turn on/off child issues creation, or change the content of Parent/Child issues

    3. Customize templates.png

Check the following links for better understanding Template Editing abilities on Jira Cloud

For Project Admins

Go to Project Settings → Apps → Easy Templates

Manage templates: change templates’ fields, scope, delete, copy templates from there.

Note for archived projects

If the Project, which issue was a source for a Template, was removed from the instance then the Template might be broken for editing and hidden from using while new issue creation.

When there are no templates yet - you will be offered to create your first one from the existing issues

  1. Click “Create Template”

  2. Chose issue to use as a Template source

Jira Server and Data Center Instructions

This option is available for users with the System Administrator role only

There's a slight difference in Template Management between Server and Cloud versions.

  • Go to your Jira Server instance

  • Jira Software ➔ Projects ➔ "Manage templates"

  • When navigated - a list of available templates will be shown

  • You can do the same scope of work as for Jira Cloud templates

For any questions or feature requests contact us via Customer Portal

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